
Notes :
rules, ht, htv, caretaker, form


[click here for more info]

clue : fill gform below.

Credit by @pinkyru


• Rules :

1. Be active dan berbaur
2. no circle in circle, mukdu and cepu.
3. strictly no war
4. ganti username / move acc lapor ke base
5. rest / hiatus / long rest / long hiat wajib laporan ke base.

• How to Join :

1. qrt kepala thread tag min 7 moots
2. follow base + turn on notification base.
3. follow all crew ( check on f-ing base)
4. Put dn #STG1st until verified

• How to Verif :

1. fill the form. (screenshot bukti lalu kumpulkan di kolom pengumpulan)

2. keep promote until verified.

3. aktif jb base

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"Meet the caretaker"